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How to Properly Prep Your Home for Exterior Paint

Chad Simmons

FounderLoCOl Paint

Prepping the exterior of your home is one of the most important aspects of painting or renovating the outside of your house. Preparing the surface properly ensures that the paint adheres to the surface evenly, that the paint lasts longer, and that the overall appearance of the exterior is improved.


The first step in prepping the exterior of your home is to clean the surface thoroughly. This includes removing any dirt, grime, mildew, or any other type of buildup that may have accumulated over time. This can be done with a pressure washer with just water or by hand using a scrub brush and a cleaning solution.


Once the surface is clean, it's important to remove any loose paint or other materials that may have peeled off over time. This is important because loose paint or material can prevent the new paint from adhering properly to the surface. If you're using a pressure washer, be careful not to use too much pressure as this can damage the surface and make it difficult for the new paint to adhere.


Another important step in prepping the exterior of your home is to repair any cracks or damage to the surface. This includes fixing any holes, cracks, or other types of damage that may have been caused by weather or other factors. This can be done by filling in the cracks with a filler, and then sanding the surface until it is smooth.


Before painting, it's important to prime the surface to help the paint adhere better. Priming helps to create a smooth surface that is free of any oils or other substances that may prevent the paint from adhering properly. If the surface has been repaired, it's especially important to prime the area to ensure that the paint will adhere properly to the filler.

Material Selection

When painting the exterior of your home, it's important to use the right type of paint. There are many different types of exterior paints available, including latex, oil-based, and acrylics. Each type of paint has its own pros and cons, so it's important to choose the type of paint that is best suited for your home's specific needs. For example, if your home is in an area with high humidity, an oil-based paint may be the best option, while an acrylic paint may be more suitable for a dry climate.

Color Selection

Another important factor to consider when painting the exterior of your home is the color. The color of the paint you choose can greatly impact the overall appearance of your home. When choosing a color, consider the style of your home, the colors of nearby buildings, and the natural colors in your area.

Sheen Selection

In addition to the type of paint and color, it's also important to consider the finish of the paint. A glossy finish can help to reflect light, which can make your home appear larger and brighter. On the other hand, a matte or flat finish can help to hide any imperfections in the surface, making it a good choice for older homes with a lot of texture.


Finally, it's important to take the time to properly prepare the area around your home before painting. This includes covering windows, doors, and other areas that you don't want to paint. You should also cover any landscaping or other items that are near the home to protect them from paint splatters.

Do It Right The First Time

The prepping portion of the exterior paint project is the most critical step in painting your house. By taking the time to clean, repair, prime, and properly prepare the surface, you can ensure that the paint adheres evenly, lasts longer, and provides a beautiful finish to your home's exterior.

To learn more about home painting services, contact us here.